Self-Publishing Success

Bring your dream book to life with ease

  • Do you have lots of knowledge that could help people but can’t get it out to the world.

  • Self-publish your book without wasting time, even if you don’t know where to start.

  •  In this fast paced world, books offer a resting place for ideas, learning and experiences. It’s not about scrolling or listening, it's about sitting and digesting information at your audiences own pace.


Toddler to Table | Boob to Food


Does this sound like you?

You’re sick of...
thinking about it and
not starting it. 

You’re staying up at night dreaming about each chapter but talk yourself out of it each time. 

You know there’s a simpler way to… teach your clients knowledge that can help them

designed over 10,000 pages

designed over 10,000 pages •


Hi I’m Steph,

I’m a graphic designer, project manager and book specialist. I’ve worked with numerous clients to create best sellers, some books selling over 50,000 copies. I have a degree in Interactive & Visual Design, QUT, professionally trained at Shillington College and have 10 years design experience.

My passion for typesetting and my versatility in illustration styles ensure that each project is handled with creativity and precision. I also excel in project management, confidently coordinating multiple contractors and overseeing the entire process to deliver visually captivating results.

reviews here>

The Plan of Attack

Step 1: Get your ideas on paper 

Fill out our Free Guide to your book template. From here we will invite you on a call to talk through your ideas and go through the questionaire.

Step 2: Strategy session

From your initial ideas, St.C will map out a visual pitch of what it could look like, prepare you with a timeline of what we need & when and outline the process. Here we review the investment of the project based on services needed.

Step 3: See your first pages

We dive into designing the first few pages so you can see immediately how it feels to have your knowledge in digestible bites.

 What is included in Self-Publishing Success

After our discovery call we go through what services below you will need to build your dream book.

  • St.C Creates three different directions your book could look life. These mood boards include general look and feel, illustration style, fonts and photography style. This gives you a choice in the visual direction of the book design.

  • St.C provides a timeline of what content we need and when. This plan includes any details of of contractors (if needed), design deadlines and a guide of when it will be ready for the world.

  • Each project includes a cover design. Three options are created with 3D mockups so you can see what they look like on the shelf.

  • Internal page design includes contents page, tables, graphs, pull quotes, placing photography or illustrations and type setting the text to bring the guts of the book to life.

  • During our discover call we discuss if photography is needed. We have a great list of trusted contractors that provide various styles or happy to work with your provided images. St.C will create a mood board and shot list for any photographer so it aligns with the visual concepts.

  • During our discover call we discuss if illustration is needed. Illustration can be a great way to bring colour, life and interest to a page. We have a wide range of styles to suit your book. These are then licensed to you to use throughout your book, marketing and business moving forward.

  • Before hitting the PRINT button we highly recommend getting an editor or proof reader. We can supply suggested contractors so that not spelling, punctuation or typos are found in the end product.

  • St.C provided a pack of digital mockups of your front cover design and 10 internal pages. These can be used to promote and sell your book before it's finished. Get those pre-sales in early!

Limited spots per year!

I work with one client at a time so all your questions can be answered, all creativity is focussed and together we can bring this publication to life. Due to this my availability is limited, book a call today to check the next available start date.

November December 2024
Jan, Feb March
April 2025


“The creativity at St. Clement knows no bounds! Their vision for colour, talent for illustration, book design and product photoshoot styling are exceptional and I’m so grateful they bring these gifts (books) to life through their beautiful work.”

Dr Libby Weaver

“Working with Stephanie is a true delight. Creative, calm, collaborative and a brilliant addition to any photo shoot, her sense of fun is an added joy. Making work feel so good is simply part of her unique qualities. It is the final product however where everything really comes together so beautifully with Stephanie. The end result was brilliant and this book will live on for many years.”

Tracy Willis - Gwinganna

Self-publishing Success is the perfect way for you to…

  • get YOUR knowledge out there,

  • become an authority on your topic & educate the people who need it most.

  • Make a stand out product with passive income potential!

Let’s put the kettle on. 

Stop dreaming
& start writing

I can almost smell the ink of the paper.